The onboarding process

There's enough on-time and accurate mailings to go around!

Bringing you on board, means bringing you into our growing family of clients and partners — where we work together to find success for all of our members.

1. Schedule a demo

Our demos (previously referred to as, webinars) are in-depth, live tours through the PPP experience. Our dedicated team member will guide you through account setup, placing a mailing order, and/or any other feature that interests you. All are welcome — invite your team!

2. Submit customer profile

Think of the customer profile as a simple questionnaire that allows us to get to know you so that we can best serve you. No right or wrong answers, here!

Once the profile has been reviewed, you will receive an email regarding setting up your Page Per Page administrative login credentials.

3. Setup integration

If you’re using accounting software, chances are Page Per Page already integrates with it. Our team will assist you in completing the setup to ensure everything works seamlessly before you place any orders.


Onboarding Qs & As

On average, you will receive an email within 24 hours of submitting the completed customer profile. 

No, a demo is not required. However, we strongly recommend scheduling a demo prior to creating an account. Demos not only give you insight to how PPP operates, but they give you the opportunity to ask as many questions you may have. Every client is different, which means each demo is be curated to your specific needs. Not to mention, they are free and unlimited! 

In a nutshell, our integrations involve either Page Per Page pulling data from your software, or your software pushing data to Page Per Page. All integrations are built in coordination with each individual software partner. This means they all operate a little differently, but have the same end-goal in mind — automating data transfer to eliminate manual entry. 

Keeping communities on the same page.